Search Engine Progress

It’s been a while since I’ve had a look, but there’s encoraging news! – adam lewis -Â 11 previously 69 – “adam lewis” – position 9 previously 59 – adamlewis – position 4 previously 5 – adam lewis – position 3 previously 9 ( is still 1) – “adam lewis” – position 4 previously 12 (cheaperbycar comes in at no 3) – adamlewis – position 1
Not entirely sure why, but the hit rate’s gone up to average of around 15 unique hits a day, quite why people want to read this rubbish is beyond me, but it’s interesting what makes a site popular. I’m getting quite a few hits for the keywords “Bad Jokes”, if you go to msn I come out as number one! Not entirely sure why, but the hit rate’s gone up to average of around 15 unique hits a day, quite why people want to read this rubbish is beyond me, but it’s interesting what makes a site popular. I’m getting quite a few hits for the keywords “Bad Jokes”, if you go to I come out as number one! It appears that with Google, the site has to mature, whereas MSN/Yahoo, etc are quicker. I’m still no 1 on MSN and no 2 on Yahoo, although the no 1 is a, so that may be a reason. It’s got nothing on it though, just a picture, so I quite fathom why I’m behind when there is so much more on this one.

Nearly there though, target is, number 1!!! However, to put things in perspective, when I started trying all this stuff out, I was 666!

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